Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Understanding of Organizational behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Understanding of Organizational port - Essay Exampleal psychology studies behavior inside the memorial tablet covered by psychology and its subfields, organizational behavior can include those that are within the areas of sociology and economics, among others.The first top issue in organizational behavior today is the manner by which woman still encounter the glass ceiling in their career path. This is true in the case of Wal-mart employees. When women are prevented to set ahead on account of their gender and that it is a conventional practice of an organization, it is a discriminatory behavior. It can be addressed using frameworks available that have been demonstrable as a result of extensive studies done on similar organizational behavior theme in the past. The fact that it still persists speaks volumes about the perspective and policies of organizations and policymakers in business today. Secondly, there is the case of equitability of wages. Executive officers tend to get hig her percentage of pay raises in comparison with the rank and file employees. This is what is incident at Hostess, for example. The dynamics by which organizations dispensed with this policy deserves attention especially that many believe it as valid, cost-effective and efficient. An in-depth analysis of this issue in the linguistic context of organizational behavior could lead to viable models that would achieve organizational efficiency and profitability while implementing income equitability. Finally, I would like to cite the case of the corporate greed. finale makers are hard-pressed to deliver the maximum profit to its shareholders. Hence, all other considerations such as social responsibility and ethics are never prioritized, if at all. The dynamics of the interaction between profit and policies, shareholders and managers, and, organization and society are covered by organizational behavior and could similarly be addressed within its framework in instances severe corporate gr eed.In my fathers appliance repair business one of the major roles I play is

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